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They are always available, but shorter in duration.Julia Mize, AB vice president of experiential marketing, said the brewery had to make the first significant changes in their tours for several years in response to user feedback. 'We listen to our customers and one of the things we heard was that they wanted shorter trips,' Mize said.Instead 70 minutes with free tours north face uk riots videos de terror stables Brew House and Budweiser Clydesdale now last about 40 minutes and no longer include a visit to Bevo packaging facility.They're also smaller. Instead of 90 north face uk riots videos de terror people a full review, they decreased in size to 60 people to create a more intimate atmosphere, amateur Mize said.Tour also get two chances to taste the beer. They can try free beer during the Brew north face locations new york city House visits and north face uk riots videos de terror at the end of the trip.

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